External Contacts showing up as UPN

Copper Contributor

We have our tenant open so that we can message users from other tenants as we work on projects. Recently on of our users has noticed that when they add external users as contacts, they're showing up as their UPN, rather than their primary SMPT or their contact name. 


I would normally post pictures of this but I don't want to reveal anyone's UPN. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, were you able to resolve the issue or have users just gotten used to it?

4 Replies

That's the expected behavior, Exchange is the only workload that uses the primary SMTP as identifier. If anything, you should expect Teams to use the SIP address, but MS made a decision to stick to UPN.

@VasilMichev I think my real preference would be something like their display name that you can already see when you message people externally in Skype. It's a shame that we're already this far along with using Teams and we're having to deal with minor inconveniences like this when those minor inconveniences were already solved in Skype. 


Is there a user voice for Teams? I think this should be a proposed addition to teams.

There is, but don't hold your breath - this issue has been discussed numerous times already and I don't see anything changing on that front. https://microsoftteams.uservoice.com/

Interestingly, I'm finding a different situation on this. I just opened up Teams, went to a Guest account view (I'm the guest of another tenant). I then went to Chat, started a new message to someone that I hadn't previously chatted at the other tenant. His UPN and Primary Email are different ... and when I went to look him up, I couldn't find him by his UPN (which is also listed as a smtp proxy address). But, when I typed in (again for the recipient in the chat) the primary email instead, he came right up. And, in addition, if I type another (a 3rd one) alias, it doesn't come up.

Even more interesting, when I go into a SEPARATE account that I have onto the other company's tenant, where I'm setup as a global admin, and I go into Teams there, and start a new chat ... and I type in ANY of the above (UPN, primary email, and 3rd alias), all of them are found immediately.

Seems this is inconsistent with what was said above -- right?