Emergency Addresses Bulk Add

Copper Contributor

Is there a way to bulk add Emergency Addresses in Teams admin portal?

Is there a way to bulk add Emergency Addresses in Powershell Teams CLI?

Is there a way to bulk add Emergency Addresses with "places"(rooms) at all?



8 Replies


Hello Samantha,

I do like your site...

However, I don't see the "bulk" adding emergency addresses.

Each of our Campus buildings will be a Civic Address, and we are doing dynamic emergency and have ports to the "place"(our room number).

180 buildings needs uploaded.

I'm attempting to a bulk Set_CsOnlineLisLocation with no luck.  Note: I am brand new to Powershell and Teams.

Thanks for your help,



Hey Brad, you'll want to use New-CsOnlineLisLocation. For example:
New-CsOnlineLisLocation -CivicAddressId b39ff77d-db51-4ce5-8d50-9e9c778e1617 -Location "Office 101, 1st Floor"
You'll want to run Get-CsOnlineCivicAddress to get the civic address ID you want to associate it to.
But you'll want to create a csv file with the headers of the parameters above for all your locations. And then run a command similar to
Import-CSV C:\subnets.csv | foreach {New-CsOnlineLisLocation -CivicAddressID $_.ID –Location $_.Location

@bhough were you able to this figured out?
Yes, with your advice. Successful. To confirm, the column header must match exactly the $_.ID and be ID or contain ID, i.e. CivicAddressID?
best response confirmed by bhough (Copper Contributor)
Great to hear. And yes, the column headers in your csv need to match exactly in the script or you'll get an error for the parameter not found.

@youthinkityoudoit - how do you get the ID number before creating the address?

@schu42 -are you creating new place (location) or new civic address? if creating a place, you get the civicaddressid it will be assigned under with get-csonlineliscivicaddress cmdlet first.
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by bhough (Copper Contributor)
Great to hear. And yes, the column headers in your csv need to match exactly in the script or you'll get an error for the parameter not found.

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