Aug 26 2022 10:46 AM
Is there a way to bulk add Emergency Addresses in Teams admin portal?
Is there a way to bulk add Emergency Addresses in Powershell Teams CLI?
Is there a way to bulk add Emergency Addresses with "places"(rooms) at all?
Aug 26 2022 12:43 PM
Aug 26 2022 12:58 PM
Hello Samantha,
I do like your site...
However, I don't see the "bulk" adding emergency addresses.
Each of our Campus buildings will be a Civic Address, and we are doing dynamic emergency and have ports to the "place"(our room number).
180 buildings needs uploaded.
I'm attempting to a bulk Set_CsOnlineLisLocation with no luck. Note: I am brand new to Powershell and Teams.
Thanks for your help,
Aug 26 2022 01:08 PM - edited Aug 26 2022 01:10 PM
Hey Brad, you'll want to use New-CsOnlineLisLocation. For example:
New-CsOnlineLisLocation -CivicAddressId b39ff77d-db51-4ce5-8d50-9e9c778e1617 -Location "Office 101, 1st Floor"
You'll want to run Get-CsOnlineCivicAddress to get the civic address ID you want to associate it to.
But you'll want to create a csv file with the headers of the parameters above for all your locations. And then run a command similar to
Import-CSV C:\subnets.csv | foreach {New-CsOnlineLisLocation -CivicAddressID $_.ID –Location $_.Location
Aug 30 2022 10:52 AM
Aug 30 2022 10:59 AM
SolutionApr 12 2023 06:41 AM
@youthinkityoudoit - how do you get the ID number before creating the address?
Apr 12 2023 07:03 AM
Aug 30 2022 10:59 AM