ELIN Not Showing in PIDF/LO passed to SBC

Copper Contributor

I have the ELIN field containing my ERL_ID required by Intrado EGW for MS Teams 911 calls.

PIDF/LO is set to true on the pstn gateway in Teams.

the Emergency Address has an ELIN set to ASB_Fallback, which is what the EGW is going to match.


using Get-CsOnlineLisCivicAddress shows the building and Elin=ASB_Fallback


the AudioCodes SBC is not see the ELIN populated.

do not believe Teams is sending it.


where can we see the sip message leaving teams?



5 Replies

Are you 100% sure the Teams client is picking up the location correctly? You should be able to validate this by opening the Teams client settings and going to Calling, if it's pulling the address, it should have the address listed in there. If it is not, then it won't have anything to send to the EGW.

Another thing to check is look at the Teams client log files. Did you setup an emergency test number? If you're working with somebody like Intrado/West, they commonly suggest "933" as a test. Dial that number, and then look in the Teams log file for that test number, and you should see it pulling the location data. I don't have a log in front of me to get the exact line to look for, but you can search for words like "location" or "e911" and it should find results. You could also search for the location ID from Teams as well.


Edit: I will add as well, as you are using an Audiocodes SBC, temporarily turn up the SIP debugging options and see if the PIDF-LO data is even being sent, including the address information you may have defined in Teams.


Yes, it's getting the address and the SBC is not getting the Elin in the message.  It gets the building address and all other items, just not Elin.




Today's testing is working with the Elin now showing in the sip message.

Only after I created a new building in teams admin portal with the Elin field populated.

I then assigned this new bldg to my switchport and it now shows.


I say this because when I added the original building I did not put the Elin in.

Later I updated the civicaddress via powershell cmdlet setting the elin.  However, this does NOT update the civicaddress' locationid.  So when you do the Get-CsOnlineLisLocation the Elin is not there.

And of course you can't use Set to update the locationid due to the rigid rule from MS.


So now I have to remove all items associated with the orig building and rebuild it with Elin.

Luckily I am in POC mode and not prod yet.




Ahhh yes, that makes sense. This is because when you create a civic address, a default location is also created and tied to that Civic Address. If you do Get-CsOnlineCivicAddress you should see a field called "Default Location ID", grab that ID and then do Get-CsOnlineLisLocation with that Location ID and you'll see the same values. Update that location using:


Set-CsOnlineLisLocation -LocationId <locationId> -Elin "new elin"


This should save you having to create new civic addresses and locations.



Sorry the Set is like New, the LocationId already exists and you can't modify it.


Set-CsOnlineLisLocation -LocationId e4187ffc-6466-4871-911a-a1bde6e4c1df -Elin "ASB_FALLBACK"
Set-CsOnlineLisLocation : Location already exists with same locationId and cannot update default location for a
validated address CannotUpdateDefaultLocationLocationId=e4187ffc-6466-4871-911a-a1bde6e4c1df,
TenantId=e5a06f4a-1ec4-4d01-8f73-e7dd15f26134, IsDefault=True, Elin=
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-CsOnlineLisLocation -LocationId e4187ffc-6466-4871-911a-a1bde6e4c ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ body = Micros...s.SetLocation }:<>f__AnonymousType6`1) [Set-C
sOnlineLisLocation], UndeclaredResponseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Forbidden,Microsoft.Teams.ConfigApi.Cmdlets.SetCsOnlineLisLocation



Interesting, it used to be you could modify some attributes of validated attributes, but the error you have there suggests you cannot change anything now.  I'll have a test in my tenant and see. I thought ELIN was one of those changeable attributes.


You can use Set-CsOnlineLisLocation to edit existing locations, New- is limited to just creating items.