Calling from Outlook contact create 2 calls in parallel

Brass Contributor

If you click to a phone number of an Outlook contact, Outlook instructs Teams V2 to make a call to this number.

Since a few weeks, it always makes 2 calls in parallel to the same number. This is also reported in Team's call history:




Depending how call target handles 2 incoming calls (forward to voicemail, busy, etc), target may not be reachable.


First call from Teams to target starts and will short later ring on target. A few milliseconds later, a second call is started by Teams. You can hear Teams "call end" sound, On your Screen you may only see one call to this target, but this is the second call. The first one is no longer visible. 

If target sends a "Busy" for second call, you get a "Busy" notification. If target forwards 2nd call to voicemail (Voicemail on Busy, Forward on Busy), you can "talk" with target's voicemail, while the first call is still ringing on the target.


If target answers first call, it gets immediately disconnected.


It looks like a bug in Outlook/Teams integration. Behavior is cased by creating 2 calls to same target at the same time.


Until now, I did not found a workaround. Has someone found a fix or workaround for this?

2 Replies
I also have this problem. Because the issue involves the Outlook/Teams API, a program I use called Teams Wizard has the same issue as well. Listed as the top issue under their FAQs
Other variants of the behavior are that the microphone is muted, the call is cancelled as soon as the recipient accepts the call or that the caller only ever hears the busy signal.