Stream share settings

Copper Contributor

Is there anyway of changing Stream share settings to STOP sharing of videos?


Videos created need to be locked down without ability to share further.



4 Replies

Can you explain a bit more about what you are trying to do? 


Everything in Stream is based on permissions. The uploader of a video can determine individual users, AD security groups, or O365 Groups that are either viewers or owners of the video. In addition they can determine if everyone in the organization can view the video or it's only based on the permissions above.


As such there is no "sharing" action like there is with OneDrive for Business or SharePoint Online files. In Stream you must set the permissions on the video such that people can / can't see or edit it. The "share" button in Stream really just brings up a dialog for emailing a link, getting a link, or getting an embed code. If the link from one of those is sent to anyone who doesn't have permission to view the video they will be denied from watching it.


In addition the Stream admins have global admin rights. So they can click "edit in admin mode" to elevate themselves to act like an owner of the video and change anything about the video including changing permissions. 

I want to prevent sharing videos outside of the Stream channel.

We unfortunately don't have any controls that limit or stop a user from changing permissions on the video to something other than a group/channel. We are similar to One Drive for Business or SharePoint Online that a user can always set the permission of a single file to any sort of scope they want (users, AD security groups). 


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Thanks for getting back to me regarding this query..


I have added my idea as offered.

