Moving recorded Teams Meetings in to channels

Copper Contributor

Is there a way I can either:

1. Specify where a recorded Teams Meeting is saved to 

2. Move that recorded Teams Meeting to a specified group?


I'm mainly looking to categorize all our meetings in one easy to find list.  It's not super clear to me how to do that.

3 Replies

I also have these questions @ericsmith .  I don't see a resolution posted.  Were you able to find one?

@ericsmith I figured this out.

1. Go to the original meeting recording and play it in Stream (look for this option in the 3 dot menu)

2. While it's open in Stream, look for the 3 dot menu below for "more actions"; the last choice on the list is "Download."

3. Once you have it downloaded, you can upload or post it anywhere you want, including in a Team Channel.


If you enable the new meeting recordings saving to odb and SPO, channel meetings will be saved directly to the channel's file tab.
