Microsoft 365 & SharePoint PnP Weekly – Episode 103
Published Nov 03 2020 09:02 AM 3,439 Views


In this installment of the weekly discussion revolving around the latest news and topics on Microsoft 365, hosts – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen, Waldek Mastykarz (Microsoft) | @waldekm, are joined by Darrel Miller (Microsoft) | @darrel_miller, Developer, Evangelist, and API Architect on the Microsoft Graph (Developer Experience) team.  The team that creates developer tooling – Graph Explorer, Graph SDK, Documentation, and the API Review Board that helps other Microsoft 365 teams (approx. 50) expose (with consistency) their APIs in Microsoft Graph.


Discussion on challenges getting developers to use the APIs, the _v2 property, evolution of the SDK, Microsoft Identity Web.MicrosoftGraph, auto-generated code, API surface quality control, and the Graph “no breaking change policy.”   Microsoft Graph’s fundamental mission is making life easier for developers by rigorously coordinating consistency, non-duplication, and usage of the API surface by both Microsoft and partner developers.  Coverage on 17 recently released articles and videos from Microsoft and the PnP Community are highlighted as well. 


This episode was recorded on Monday, November 2, 2020.



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As always, if you need help on an issue, want to share a discovery, or just want to say: “Job well done”, please reach out to Vesa, to Waldek or to your PnP Community.


Sharing is caring!

Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 03 2020 01:02 AM
Updated by: