MSCT script domain-joined doesnt create registry

Copper Contributor

I have a scenario where I run the NonDomainJoined script and it changes the records and creates the ones that are not there, and verifying it with a vulnerability tool, I see >95% compliance.
When this same machine I add it to the domain and run the DomainJoined script and checking it again with the tool I have a 25%< compliance, using the PolicyAnalyzer I notice that the records are not being generated, only the ones that are already there are being modified.
Do you know how I could verify if any security policy is affecting me?
I am not the domain administrator and I would like to understand how a security policy could affect me and identify which one it could be.

I did the test of creating a domain and putting a computer in it, to verify that some of the default policies could affect the operation, but not.




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