Tip of the Day - Got 30 seconds? Add a bookmark or Q&A via the Edge or Chrome extension tools!

Got 30 seconds? Add a bookmark or Q&A via the Edge or Chrome extension tools and improve your employees search results instantly! You know you need to create those bookmarks and Q&A to make the most of Microsoft Search in Bing, but there always seems to be something more important on your to-do list. We have the solution! Just install the appropriate content creator extension from the links below for your browser and then with 4 easy steps you have a new bookmark or Q&A. aka.ms/ContentCreator-Edge aka.ms/ContentCreater-Chrome 1. Navigate to a site that needs to be added as bookmark or Q&A 2. Click the Content Creator icon in the upper right corner and select to create a bookmark or Q&A 3. Review the auto-populate fields and makes any desired updates 4. Click Publish or Save to draft Within 10 minutes you could have 20 bookmarks or Q&A created and posted live!
9 Replies
I'm trying to follow the instructions above, when I click Q&A, i get "Couldn't find any Q&As on this page". What am i doing wrong?
what are the plans for providing this extension in the new version of Edge?
Hi Dean,

You're not doing anything wrong. The tool is very specific about what phrases trigger a pre-populated Q&A. I've got email out to folks asking for some clarity on this. In the meantime, I'm assuming you can add bookmarks just fine, correct?


@Wendy_MSFT  yes the bookmarks worked fine and I can create a Q&A from that page in the Admin center, just not from the extension tool

@Dean Gross  what kind of content is on the page? The extension will populate Q&A's if the content has a question and answer format, like an FAQ.

Does this only work with web pages? i.e, what about a FAQ that is in DOCX or PDF file?
Hi Dean, No, this tool is agnostic to either website or file type. So you can definitely add documents. Happy bookmarking! Cheers, -Wendy
Sorry, i was referring to the Chrome Extension, it doesn't find anything on the page when I have a pdf file open in the browser
Hey Dean, Weirdly enough I can repro this and make it work correctly and add the bookmark as expected and then other times it fails like your screenshot. I'm doing further investigation. I'll let you know what I find.
