PDF output of MS Learn Shared Collection

Copper Contributor



We are a Microsoft Learning Partner. I am an MCT and MCE. As you know, all Microsoft Learning Partners are now using MS Learn for the student training material for Instructor Lead Training events. 


The docs.microsoft.com platform provided one the ability to produce a PDF of a set of Microsoft documentation. 


However, on the learn.microsoft.com platform, there does not seem to be any capability to create a PDF of your MS Learn Shared Collection of Study Modules. 




1. Does Microsoft plan to provide the capability for MS Learning Partners to produce and provide a PDF of their MS Learn study modules to their students? 


2. Is Microsoft planning on allowing the free registered users doing online training only the capability to produce a PDF of their MS Learn Study Modules? 


3. As an MCT, am I allowed to develop a script to read an MS Learn Shared Collection of Study Modules and develop a PDF output file for my students? 


Thank you. 


Arnold Villeneuve 


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