ODBC cannot set by command line

Copper Contributor
Oracle x86 is installed in a x64 window 10 system, but cannot set as below. Error screen shots as attached .
Used 32-bit and 64-bit odbcconf.exe are also failed.

ODBCCONF CONFIGSYSDSN "Oracle in OraClient11g_home1" "DSN=xxx|SERVER=xxx"

odbcconf.exe /A {CONFIGSYSDSN "Oracle in OraClient11g_home1" "DSN=xxx;SERVER=xxx"}
1 Reply

Hello @Michaelyu


If I read the error message right it has some issues with the installation. Three possible reasons come to my mind. 
1st: The client is not installed correctly.

        reinstall/unistall/Install new?

2nd: The registry key the process tries to read needs higher permissions.

        Run as administrator?

And of course any typo in the path etc are also possible.

Good luck!


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