Regarding the $filter/ $search query parameter

Copper Contributor

Hi Experts,


I try to use the Graph API to extract some information or documentations from my Document Library in SharePoint Online, for instance: 

GET{site-id}/drive/root/children?$filter=name eq 'AS-BUILT' > Works well - no problem


My question is: 

  1. How should I define my filter parameters for searching the <lastModifiedBy: user: id>, because I hope there are two parameters will be leveraged in the Graph API, one is name eq 'AS-BUILT' another is <lastModifiedBy: user: id> eq 0022808b-....*** <lastModifiedBy: user: id>: Please refer to the following image ***
  2. Another question is when I have more than 2 Columns/ Fields (Such as: Name and ID) as a search conditions, Which one is better for this situations between $filter and $search. My totally amount of documentations is more or less 800,000



Here is my JSON file about a documentation.


"lastModifiedBy": {
                "user": {
                    "email": "email address removed for privacy reasons",
                    "id": "0022808b-1582-4c71-b423-b8cf712416df",
                    "displayName": "Wei-OOOOOO"









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