Outlook cleanup script

Copper Contributor

can anyone help me review my Powershell script? thanks

# Import the Microsoft Graph module
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph

# Output a message indicating that the module was successfully imported
Write-Output "Successfully imported Microsoft Graph"

# Connect to Microsoft Graph using the Get-MgUserMailFolder command
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes ((Find-MgGraphCommand -command Get-Mgusermailfolder).name)

# Check if there is only one user logged in
if ((Get-MgUser).count -eq 1) {
  # If there is only one user, store their UserPrincipalName in the $userEmail variable
  $userEmail = (Get-MgUser).UserPrincipalName
  # Output a message indicating which user is logged in
  Write-Output "Logged in as $userEmail"
} else {
  # If there are multiple users logged in, create a list of their UserPrincipalNames
  $userList = (Get-MgUser).UserPrincipalName | Foreach-Object {
    @{ ++$num = $_ }
  # Output a message asking the user to select an email address
  Write-Output "Please select an email address."
  # Output the list of email addresses
  Write-Output $userList
  try {
    # Prompt the user to select an email address
    [int] $selected = Read-Host
    # Retrieve the selected email address from the list
    $userEmail = ((Get-MgUser).UserPrincipalName)[$selected -1]
    # Output a message indicating which user is logged in
    Write-Output "Logged in as $userEmail"
  catch {
    # If an error occurs, output an error message
    throw "Not a valid input!"

# Retrieve the ID of the inbox folder for the logged in user
$inboxId = (Get-MgUserMailFolder -u $userEmail).SyncRoot | Where-Object DisplayName -eq Inbox |ForEach-Object Id
# Output the inbox ID
Write-Output "inbox ID is : $inboxId"

# Iterate through all messages for the logged in user
(Get-MgUserMessage -u $userEmail -all)| ForEach-Object {
  # Check if the message is not in the inbox folder
  if ($_.ParentFolderId -ne $inboxId ) {
    # If the message is not in the inbox folder, skip it
  # If the message is in the inbox folder, delete it using the Remove-MgUserMessage cmdlet
  Remove-MgUserMessage -UserId $userEmail -MessageId $_.Id
  # Output a message indicating that the message was deleted
  Write-Output "Deleted $($_.Subject)"

# Disconnect from Microsoft Graph
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