Microsoft Entra Suite Tech Accelerator
Aug 14 2024, 07:00 AM - 09:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

B2C with custom login URL

Iron Contributor



can I use in Azure AD B2C a custom login url?




10 Replies

Do you want to change the user login url which starts with in AAD B2C login. If so its not available.


Check the below FAQ.


Can I use my own URLs on my sign-up and sign-in pages that are served by Azure AD B2C? For instance, can I change the URL from to

Not currently. This feature is on our roadmap. Also note that verifying your domain in the Domains tab of your tenant on the Azure classic portal will not do this.

What is the status of this feature?  We would love to use Azure AD B2C but there are concerns that a redirect to a site other than our own will lead to a higher abandon rate.  We would like to supply a Vanity URL that Microsoft uses to host the login page. 

Customer-owned domains - User Voice


"We’re currently hoping to have this available by summer 2017."

Is this feature currently available in the latest version of Azure AD B2C?

Any update on this?

any update on this?

We realy need this for our customers.

Currently this feature is not available . We checked with engineering internally and we are unable to provide a timeline for the same as well for now due to technical complexities . Please keep checking the uservoice page Customer-owned domains - User Voice . We apologize for the same however this is going to take more time and currently does not have any specific workaround . 

@Shashi Shailaj any update on this? Why does a feature like this take more than 2 years so implement. No sure if B2C is the right way to go anymore.

@asifsalim , It shows feature is in Public Preview