Azure AD One-Click SSO configuration for Google Apps -> It doesn’t get any simpler!
Published Sep 06 2018 08:36 PM 719 Views
First published on CloudBlogs on Oct, 30 2015
Howdy folks, As part of our ongoing quest to make setting up SSO and federation so simple anyone can do it, we've just turned on one-click single sign-on configuration with Google Apps! Check out this video from Livio De La Cruz on how you can have Azure AD automatically set up Google Apps for single sign-on in less than two minutes:

This setup used to require multiple manual steps, including signing into the Google Apps admin portal, uploading a certificate, and setting several URLs for Azure AD. Now this is all handled at the click of a button, saving time and eliminating margin for error!

Behind the scenes, we've made this work by directly integrating with the Google Apps Admin Settings API, which allows Azure AD to securely configure the SAML single sign-on settings on behalf of an administrator. This level of integration is just another great benefit Azure AD provides for applications that are pre-integrated in the Azure AD application gallery . And this is just the start - we have more "one-click" solutions on the way for other featured apps.

As always, we'd love to hear from you on what applications and features you'd like to see Azure AD support for single sign-on integration. If you are a developer looking to build seamless API-based based integration with Azure AD, be sure to check out our developer guide and overview of the Azure AD consent framework .

Best regards,

Alex Simons (Twitter: @Alex_S_Simons )

Director of Program Management

Microsoft Identity Division

Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 27 2020 06:36 PM
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