How do I update a Win 10 Windows Defender device that is now currently "PERMANENTLY-OFFLINE"

Copper Contributor

Hi, I prefer to have an older PC win 10 device along with several (even older) XP devices kept PERMANENTLY OFFLINE (zero internet connections), which - by default, now have Windows Defender screaming at me with notices that they are "out of date", yet without any way to reconnect those to an active internet connection (to protect them from becoming bricked when failing to upgrade to win11, or of losing programs I still need to use, if win tries to remove them - during re-installs of win11 that also fail) how do I use my on-line win 11 pc to obtain a new defender upgrade, to thus have as a transferrable update, which I can place on a thumbdrive,to update the offline pc's?
I tried a simple "copy" of my win 11 defender file, but when I paste it from the thumbdrive to any of my offline machines, it (Defender) requires the older PC's to be placed ONLINE to enable the defender update?
NOT GOING TO HAPPEN as I already have had three older PC's bricked by doing that, so I refuse to pllace any others at risk, so how do I instll the latest update of Defender onto offline machines, that still call for updates?


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