The new Outlook search in the title bar is disconnected from the content it searches

Steel Contributor

I appreciate the benefits of Microsoft Search in the Office apps but I'm getting feedback form multiple people that having the search in the title bar is unhelpful because they need to use the title bar for dragging the window around. In Outlook in particular, having the search box so far away from the content that you're searching is jarring. I understand the value of consistency, but I think that the utility of putting search with the content it searches overrides being consistent at all costs. Can we have an option to move the search box back down to the content in Outlook, and perhaps not to have it in title bars at all?

222 Replies

@myke0111What if the toggle option isn't showing in can we change "coming soon"? My computer added the search box to the top of the screen today, and it is already driving me nuts! Please HELP!!

It's typical new-age MS-BS(TM) that we have integrated features like OneDrive and LinkedIn built into Office with settings, despite not actually contributing to the app's function much; but that simple (actually useful) core features like email search, which affect work-flow, are changed en masse without desire or consent from its users, and is devoid of options to put it back to where years of muscle memory know it is. If there's a petition to make it and any future unwanted 'features' come with reversion options, I'll sign it!

I'm not against adding features and on some apps I'm always eager to improve workflow, but this is a mature platform and needs more functionality OPTIONS, not forced alternatives to existing core functions. The Outlook team should work on making encryption options integrated if they are really that desperate for ideas on what to improve on.

Signed in just to say this. It's a massive oversight to have the search bar drop down and cover the refinement options. I use the "from" field constantly and the new search bar drops down directly over those features. Horrible design. @Adam Lein 

@DougBrodaI read through several forums about this issue and this response was so helpful that I had to go ahead and set up an account just so I could say thank you!


This is my first post so I'm not sure how it will display or link back, but this was the advice: "I was able to do one thing to make the pain less from the new search bar -- I put in several dozen separators in the quick action toolbar. That pushes the search farther to the right in the title bar, which works better for me. YMMV."


My main complaint about the new placement in the header is that the automatic drop down obscured the refinement options on the search ribbon, which meant that I had to do multiple clicks to construct a search (something I do dozens and dozens of times a day!).  With Doug's trick, the search bar has moved over to the right far enough that the drop down doesn't obscure the search refinement buttons any more!


That being said, Microsoft still needs to just give us the option to revert to the previous location!


@Mary Branscombe I do nto like the new search button.  Not easy to find and not easy to search emails etc.

@Mary Branscombe 


The search bar change is very inconvenient in location and usability. Unfortunately they remove the capability of pasting into the search bar. I find this change not to be in the users interest. I would hope that they would add this capability back into the search bar is a matter of convenience to us the users.

I agree. The is no flow from the current, or alternate folder that is being searched. It also blocks much of the ribbon content, obscuring the view and utility, and detracts from the productivity. It also reduces the 'grabbale' area for the open window.


If there is an option to turn off or move the searhc bar location this would be more useful in the long term.

If you hide the search box, how do you search?

The search function is more problematic than useful in it's current state, so it is more useful to hide it than use it. If I could show/hide it, like keyboard shortcut or something, or move it it would be more useful. I would rather permanently hide it than use it right now because it is so distracting and cumbersome. @debbiejj 

This was last year and MS decided to push it anyway. Now users are being upgraded automatically and have no option to revert back which makes this essentially a kick in the face to MS users, admins and the tech community. I agree with the tag on Eugenes official post last year... "Assholedesign"

No doubt that some UX designer is very proud of the fact that they moved the search to the top. It apparently doesn't matter that there have been thousands of dislike feedback around this change - Microsoft knows best. :facepalm: 


I find the placement of the search bar very annoying and doesn't work for me; when MS makes updates like these, please ensure that there's the option for the user of choosing where they want the things they use every day to be located @Mary Branscombe 

@Mary Branscombe


If you have an opinion on this you can share it in User Voice 

it has all been already said - no benefits of new search bar and many cons! Biggest proble is,  when you type something in search, it covers the ribbon with options to choose from when searching - has someone in microsoft tried to use it??????

What a time waster update!

@Robert360One of the previous posts has a link that leads to a discussion of a security change/concern that is, apparently, connected to this change. Microsoft is a big organization. Surely there must be someone in that chain of internal discussion who would be willing (perhaps anonymously) to discuss/refute/confirm that this change is something other than a random, thoughtless "mistake"



I am challenged by this.  I have massive email folders and inbox that I must search daily to be efficient.  This change is not conducive to working efficiently.  I have modified my quick access ribbon which helps a bit; but it is still clunky.  Hope this helps someone.  I have added search by Sender, Subject, etc.


This does not cover up the main ribbon.


Totally agree, @Sallyws   It was bad enough that it moved to an inconvenient location, but now that I can't tell which folder I'm in it is REALLY annoying.  : /

@Mary Branscombe 

This new search bar has obviously updated and have moved the search bar from below to the top of the email ribbon.

It is so bad to use now as you cant copy and paste with the mouse and have to go CTRL V and then you have to go into the top and then drop down to action it.

Is there a way to do this the other way or to get it to paste without using the keyboard now.

@Mary Branscombe Completely Agree.


I've just recently came back to office after using Linux for a dev stint and was wondering were the search went and to be frank, with the way the search handles it feels more like an (Office Help Search) rather than a mail box search.  (In fact it's both).   I'd rather search the office help in office help. (F1) rather than what ever this has become.


Please return this feature to the way it functioned before, in it's original location.

Close, but their worst decision was buying Nokia.... ;)