Pivottable / Charts: How to sum up questions with different answers (scale 1-4)?

Copper Contributor

Hey, I need help, please leave an answer, thankyou so much!

I'm german but will try to explain in english language correctly. I tried everything but I cant find a solution.


I hope my picture explains everything. How can I reach that pivottable or is pivottable not the suitable thing for this?


 (It would be nice if you could send me an easy example excel sheet to demonstrate the solution)





1 Reply

Hi @Nabila Benmalek 


Hope you are doing well. 


I would like to mention a No Code Data Visualization Tool for the purpose to get insights from your raw data. Hope you will like it.


You can check here for Microsoft Excel & Office 365.


And if you are comfortable with Google Sheets, you can find here.


This video perfectly fulfill your case. 


Thanks :smile: