Excel Read Only mode. Use another account to activate Microsoft 365

Copper Contributor

I am using Office 365 on Mac.


When I open Excel, it opens spreadsheets in Read Only mode.


There is an Activate button at the top of the spreadsheet. 

When I click Activate, a messages displays:

"Your account <account name> can view documents but it doesn't allow editing on a. a Mac.  To edit, user another account to activate Microsoft 365."


I have tried logging in with other users, but same message.


Company IT Support told me the only way to resolve the issue is to reset my laptop entirely which will lose all of my work.


Is there any other way to resolve this read only issue?



3 Replies

We're experiencing the exact same problem with all new Macs at work. Even when existing users reinstall Office, the issue persists. None of the troubleshooting steps have resolved it.

We now know how to resolve this issue ... it has to do with Keychain not having a "login" store for the certificate. We're just not sure why it happens when brand-new Macs are bound to Active Directory.