BitTitan T2T Migration Without MPN ID

Copper Contributor

Hello Community. I am trying to migrate a handful of users from an M365 tenant with a custom domain, to another M365 tenant without a custom domain. After migration we'll release the domain from tenant A and pick it up in tenant B. In other words, we want to keep the domain from the source and apply it to the target. I am getting errors with BitTitan setting up the project.


It is a generic error that tells me to contact support, which I did and opened a ticket. While I'm waiting, wanted to see if the community has any experience with this type of migration. I see a warning in the application settings in Azure and wondered if it's relevant. Does anyone know if BitTitan MigrationWiz works with email domain (no MPN ID)?




The BitTitan error.


Many thanks for sharing any experience you have in this topic.


3 Replies

@Kidd_Ip thanks for the reply. I'm checking into it. 

@Kidd_Ip, doesn't appear to be related to the app permissions or MPN. It is only a problem when using admin credentials vs. user credentials in MigrationWiz. I am just working around it and having users enter credentials which is not ideal, but it's a small bunch of users so it's manageable. Thanks again for your reply.

Incidentally, BitTitan support has been horrible. It takes a full day to get an email response, all of which so far have been useless suggestions. Every response was just based on misinterpreted information about the project or other mind bogglingly unrelated responses with no troubleshooting actions to take.