As Outlook works now, a meeting is owned by one specific account, and the owner cannot be changed. This goes double for a meeting series, and all occurences in a series.
This is highly inconvenient in case of temporary absences, role changes, changes in (project) management etc. When someone leaves, or a colleague takes over the meetings, the meeting series is still in the previous owner's name, and the new person responsible cannot manage those meetings.
In my previous job & department, we worked around this issue by planning recurring department meetings from a shared mailbox. But that's an ugly workaround for several reasons.
Please make it possible to reassign meeting and meeting series ownership. Obviously, this should happen for future occurences only, so it goes very well with By default, leave past occurences of a series in Outlook untouched - Microsoft Community Hub, and/or Outlook - Edit/Delete Future Events in a Series - Microsoft Community Hub.