Submit a Community as a community leader

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Hi all,


can we submit a Community as a community leader? 


Thank you!

3 Replies

Hi @Raphael Köllner


As an MVP you already have the ability to create new events, indeed this post give you further details on how to. 


If this is not what your looking for or anything is unclear let me know. 

Hi Allen
I think what Raphael meant is there any rule that prevents someone from creating a new profile with their community name as the profile rather than an individual person..
Hope that make sense, so if we were able to do that, I'd create a new profile called TechUG with our community logo as the avatar.


Strictly speaking no the person submitting the event must be identifiable to community and to us as Administrators.

You could of course create a separate Microsoft Account and give it the name of your User Group then ask that it be marked as community leader. You would then also be able to set your Group Logo as the Avatar on it and submit an event from it.