Staff Notebook to Class Notebook

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone.


I wondered if anyone can give any advice / tips to the following. I teach in a department where I see 11 classes for only 1 hour per week. Many of the classes cover the same content, so for instance I have 5 x Year 9, 3 x Year 8 etc.


I have created a staff notebook for all the lesson planning, and a central place staff in my department can contribute to plans, and ultimately a place we can all centrally find 'Pages' and 'Sections' we would then want students to have access too.


The issue I am finding is that I create sections and pages in the content library of our departmental Staff notebook but cannot copy it to the content library of any of my Class Notebooks that the students are in, when I select the 'Copy to Content Library' from the Staff Notebook it simply doesn't show any notebooks where I can copy it to. I am using the Windows OneNote App.


This is where I am stuck. As a work around I have been having to hack together copies in one of my Class Notebooks, where I can 'Copy to Content Library' of my other classes. However I am finding that classes are all starting to have slightly different versions from the planned departmental ones.


Should I actually be looking at 'Copy Link to Section', and linking the Class Notebooks to the central Staff Notebooks as an almost 'live' version?


Essentially how are you all delivering Sections and Pages created in Staff Notebook's to the students Class Notebook's? 



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