Gateway Timout on Azure Data Factory Copy Task


I'm trying to set up a copy job that connects to a text file in Data Lake Storage (v1) and copies the data to somewhere...


I've set up the Active Directory application 

I've created a Data Factory (tried v1 and v2)

I've created the copy task and connected to the Data Lake.

I've successfully picked a file on the lake.

The fie is a CSV file.

On the file format settings screen I get a Gateway Timeout. Activity ID:2f860074-7a71-470d-87b9-b5523a13d8a6

when setting up the file.

I've tried a simple file with 2 lines and 3 columns all the way to a zipped file with lots of columns

I get a similar error on the v1 factory.


Any ideas on what I've done wrong?



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