Error during create AKS cluster

Not applicable

I found a problem during create AKS service on West EU by using azure CLI.

It shown the error as


"Operation failed with status: 'Bad Request'. Details: Required resource provider registrations Microsoft.Compute,Microsoft.Network are missing."


However, last week, I still possible to create a AKS cluster successfully.

So, I'm not sure that what happened to the AKS service on region West Europe or not. Or my commands for create AKS cluster is wrong? "az aks create -g aks --name AKSCluster --generate-ssh-keys"


PS. I deploy Azure AKS following this guide :


4 Replies

All the time that i have tried deploying AKS Cluster i have used the 'node-count' in my command line.


az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myK8sCluster --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys




Also confirm you are not reaching any limits.


FYI: I assume you are using the same subscription you have successfully deployed AKS on before.  If its a new resource check resource provider registration make sure they are all registered.  Easiest make sure all required network and computer resource providers are registered is to deploy a new ARM VM from the portal.  You will have to register the ContianerService resource provider manually.


If you didnot use Azure VNet before (New Subscription) first you have to register the resource using PowerShell or from portal.
As the error clearly mentioned that Microsoft.Compute,Microsoft.Network is missing from registration.

That helped.

Solution is to register the individual Resource Providers to the Azure Subscription.

Here are my two cents using Azure CLI :

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Network,Microsoft,Compute

Wait it out and woof, your command runs in a ziffy.

There's a typo in the az provider command (and I couldn't get the CLI to accept multiple namespaces), so I would recommend:


az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Network
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Compute

NOTE that the registration is asynchronous, so check whether these have completed with


az provider show --namespace Microsoft.Network -o table
az provider show --namespace Microsoft.Compute -o table