Delivery Plans - 'Task' Work Item

Copper Contributor

Hi All,


I want to add work item 'Task' to my Delivery Plan, but I only see following work items types which can be added Delivery plan


1) Epic

2) Feature

3) User Story


Is it possible to add 'Task' work item type?



4 Replies
Task and Bug can be added inside User Story.

@Shruthi2020 can you please elaborate this point?



Once you create Work Item Type: User Story, you can create Task. 



If you use excel to import work items then it would be in this order


IDWork Item TypeTitle 1Title 2StateStory PointsValue AreaIteration PathTagsArea
 User StoryTest New Business   
 Task Task1New     
 Task Task2New Business   

Thanks a lot @Shruthi2020