Azure build pipeline with 0 code coverage always

Copper Contributor

Hi, so i have this classic build pipeline with the below tasks:


Prepare Analysis on sonarqube

Build Solution with visual studio build

Visual studio test

Run code analysis

Publish Quality gate result

Copy files

Publish Artifact


My test tasks creates the code coverage file, my code analysis takes and converts it to xml. The issue is it stopped seeing the code covered.

It always 0 in the summary tab and if you click on code coverage tab it says : Code coverage report cannot be rendered as report HTML was not found. Please verify that "Report Directory" containing an HTML report was specified when publishing code coverage.
the thing is nothing changed from our end but i saw multiple pipelines with the same issue.

i cannot seem to find a resolution for this.

the tests run with vstest for whic Microsoft says you dont need a separate Publish code coverage result task.

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