Azure AD Devices management

Brass Contributor

I have inherited a test Azure AD that the outgoing tech was managing. How would I delete the correct device object from the Azure AD? We, for example, have multiple entries for a Windows device; and the three entries have a different user associated with it. All three users are active; with each user has multiple Windows devices associated with them.


The engineer would format the device, set it up, and give it to a user; if they could not resolve an issue on the device. Quick fix to a solution. Now, since we are migrating from on-prem to Azure AD, these need to be cleaned up. Many are devices assigned to users who are very rarely in the office. This worked fine when they were on the Windows Ad, now, with Azure, Intune, and soon to be implemented Compliance and Conditional policies, this may turn out to be a nightmare.


Any suggestions will be helpful. Thanks for the help.

2 Replies



You can try Using Intune device cleanup rules. These screenshots are from the old Intune portal, but the setting can still be found in the new portal.


For more granular approaches, try PowerShell: How To: Manage stale devices in Azure AD


Please like or mark this thread as answered if it's helpful, thanks!


Thanks. As this is not as simple as Windows AD, it's a bit complicated for me.

Here's a scenario:
APDT34 (Marylin Jane) Login Aug-29 8:23am
APDT12 (Michael Eisenhower) Login Aug-27 8:43am
APLT21 (Baenard Dwight) Login Aug-28 8:03am
APDT12 (Marylin Jane) Login Aug-11 4:43pm
APDT34 (Baenard Dwight) Login Aug-21 9:23am

From this sample, all the users, and the workstations mentioned, are active. I have over 130 entries for less than 100 users that need be cleaned up.