Advice on Gateways

Copper Contributor



Our company is exploring the world of azure and currently focusing on using it for integrations between our main database and partners.


As our main database -IFS10 sits  on-premise server, we when do an api call through azure we will need a gateway. 


I am getting confused on what our options are its mentions, on premise gateway, azure hybrid connection, express route etc, does anyone have any advice they can share please?




4 Replies

Hello @rosscortb 

Unfortunately it will be difficult to give you a simple answer. We're going to lack full context.

Perhaps it would be more judicious to call on a CSP or commission a service from an Azure Architect ?






Further information and study may required for the design, btw, may suggest focusing on Express Route as more reliable and secure way between your Data Center and Azure



Thanks, is express route the only option from on-premise gateway and hybrid connection that doesn't involve installing something physically on the server?

Morning Ross, I am an Azure Integration Service Architect and would be happy to chat and help further. Connect with me if you still have questions.
