Azure Synapse Store Procedure Error while updating

Copper Contributor


I am new to Azure Synapse Analytics. I have an XLS file containing data and I want to upsert that data into an Azure Synapse dedicated SQL table.

I have created a stored procedure to upsert the data into the table.

I have used a lookup activity to load the XLS file and pass the JSON data to the stored procedure via a stored procedure activity.

It is working for inserting the data, but while updating, it is giving me the following error:

"errorCode": "2402",
"message": "Execution failed against SQL Server. Please contact the SQL Server team if you need further support. SQL error number: 468. Error Message: Cannot resolve the collation conflict between \"SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS\" and \"Latin1_General_BIN2\" in the equal to operation.",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "Stored procedure for Insert Email",
"details": []

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