Blob Expiry

Copper Contributor

Hi All,

I want to set delete date like expiry date to blob while uploading in azure blob storage, I want different lifetime to different blobs of same container can we do this in azure blob storage

4 Replies

Hello @Dinesh0709

 Normally we can use Life cycle management by using, created, last accessed and last modified. 

Configure a lifecycle management policy - Azure Storage | Microsoft Learn 


If you want to make it custom then you have to use function app write a script based on your blob life cycle and run it.  

Create a function in Azure that's triggered by Blob storage 



Thanks @Dhanumjay_Akula, We use lifecycle management rule for all blobs but I want to set different lifetime to each blob of same container, can we do it by any inbuilt property of blob in azure blob storage without any custom ?

Hi @Dinesh0709 ..!


We have only additional option is filter set.  There is nothing more in built, IMO. 
