Azure Maps visual for Power BI is now GA
Published May 23 2023 01:45 AM 8,622 Views

The Azure Maps Visual for Power BI has officially been released! Want to check out the exciting updates and improvements to its existing features? Let's take a closer look at some of the highlights of this release.




New Map Style

One of the most striking changes in this release is the introduction of our new unified map style that provides users with a more modern and appealing look and feel. This updated user interface also gives users new ways to interact with data, expanding and enhancing the overall user experience.



Extra Data Layers

The Azure Maps Visual for Power BI now includes support for various data layers, including heat maps, filled map, 3D columns, bubble, and pie charts. These various visualization options give users more flexibility to layout their location-based data, making it easier to identify patterns and trends.



Improved Interactivity

Interactivity features, such as "on-object" interaction, allow users to have greater control over their data to pull out deeper insights and make better decisions based on what they see.




Control the Map

The enhanced map features now available in the Azure Maps Visual for Power BI provide users with more control over the appearance and functionality of their maps, including the ability to zoom in and out, pan the map, select areas, and adjust the map's orientation.


Better Performance

Azure Maps visual for Power BI has been optimized for faster load times, better rendering performance, and improved responsiveness. This means users can work with larger datasets and still have a seamless experience, allowing them to make better decisions based on their data.


It is time to Upgrade!

Existing Azure Maps in Power BI projects can upgrade their Map visual to Azure Maps visual for Power BI whenever they open reports that contain the old Maps Visual. Upgrading to the new Azure Maps visual for Power BI will provide all of the great things we have noted above, greater control, eye-popping visuals and more flexibility when analyzing data.


Get Started

To learn more about the Azure Maps Visual for Power BI and get started, visit the Microsoft Learn website: Get started with Azure Maps Power BI Visual

Copper Contributor

Are there plans to allow this Azure Maps visual to work with Power BI Embedded?  Currently the Getting Started site says it will not work for Embedded. :(


At the moment, Power BI Embedded does not support Azure Maps integration. However, we are actively exploring the possibility of enabling this functionality in the future. Before making it available, we need to address certain technical challenges and implement necessary changes to ensure a seamless integration with Embedded. Rest assured, we are working towards resolving these issues and aim to offer Azure Maps support in Power BI Embedded at a later stage.

Copper Contributor

Hi @cschotte ,


We currently use standard Power BI Maps in "Publish to Web".  Since Azure Maps do not support "Publish to Web" and conversion is happening automatically by the end of the year, it sounds like we will no longer be able to use "Publish to Web" with any maps by the end of the year.  Is that correct?




Brass Contributor

We also use standard/Bing Maps in several solutions that use the "Publish to Web" feature. It seems this change will break those reports and force us to change those to some Custom Visual?
AFAIK there is no Custom Visual available that handles the "live" geocoding of text Location data, so our audience will probably lose long-existing functionality.


The Power BI Azure Maps visual enables geocoding and supports text-based addresses. Unfortunately, at the moment, the Azure Maps visual is not accessible in Power BI embedded. However, we are actively developing it to ensure its availability in the future. If you are working with existing reports, there is no immediate need to upgrade them. You can continue using the Bing Maps visual for now. Once Azure Maps becomes compatible with Power BI embedded, you can then upgrade your reports to leverage its features.

Brass Contributor

The upgrade prompt (on opening a pbix with a Bing Map) no longer appears for me. Perhaps related to a Power BI Desktop update?

1. How should I upgrade to Azure maps without the upgrade prompt?
2. Is the deprecation of Bing Maps still going ahead?
3. When will the Embedded and Publish to Web scenarios be supported?

Copper Contributor

The Azure map is not showing the entire world map when zoomed out like the Bing map.  I'm trying to display all the sites globally and cannot with the Azure map.

Bing MapBing MapAzure map.png 


To view the full map, you can turn off the Auto Zoom function under "Map Settings -> View -> Auto Zoom"

Copper Contributor

I am trying to create an azure map - filled.

I am unable to show the values of application on the map .. it just shows the colored areas. 


Help please!

Copper Contributor

The Auto zoom is not the issue.  The map will not zoom out enough to see all of the world at once without making the visual take more of the screen space.



"The map will not zoom out enough to see all of the world at once" Yes, it’s an known issue, we’re on it.

Brass Contributor

Bumping up my questions from 7 months ago - I would still appreciate a reply:


1. How should I upgrade to Azure maps without the upgrade prompt?
2. Is the deprecation of Bing Maps still going ahead?
3. When will the Embedded and Publish to Web scenarios be supported?


Hi Mike,


Apologies for the oversight. Here are the responses to your questions:

  1. To upgrade to Azure Maps without encountering the upgrade prompt, simply click on the 'old' maps visual and then select the Azure Maps visual directly from the visual pane. This action will initiate the upgrade to Azure Maps.

  2. The Bing Maps visuals in Power BI will eventually be replaced with Azure Maps visuals.

  3. We are currently working to support Embedded and Publish to Web scenarios. While we are committed to making this feature available, we are unable to provide a specific ETA at the moment due to various dependencies across teams.

Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 09 2023 11:10 AM
Updated by: