IoT Hub Quickstarts with real data on RPi

Brass Contributor

The Quickstarts in the GitHub PowerShell Repositor,  az-iothub-ps (a repository to automate the creation of an IoT Hub and Device and get connection meta-data for the Quickstarts) have had two new device apps added that use a DHT22 Temperature and Humidity sensor to generate real environment data. One is in the Telemetry folder to send real telemetry data to the hub. One is in the Device Streaming Cmds folder.


The Quickstarts in this repository are based upon the Azure IoT Hub SDK C# Quickstarts and have been extended so that all of the hub connection data is taken from environment variables. The main script in the repository, can generate all of this seamlessly.

1 Reply

DHT22 only works on Raspian, not on IoT Core. BMP180 has been added that works on both.

Can also control a motor via IoT Hub. Uses an H Bridge.