AKs Cluster in failed state - Need Assistance

Copper Contributor

Hello Azure Community,

I am facing an issue with my AKS cluster that is currently in a failed state. The cluster has been in this state for three days, and despite not performing any operations, the provisioning status has not resolved automatically.


We have this cluster running for about 2 years, with services running. We stop this cluster when not in use and start when required. Last successful running state of cluster was on 9th of May 2024, and stopped on the same day after use. 
Again, tried to start on 14th May, from then cluster is in failed state. Screenshot shared for reference.


Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

  • Checked the status of the cluster in the Azure portal and CLI
  • Reviewed logs of cluster, nodes not provisioned in node pool
  • No able to restart or update the cluster

I am seeking assistance from the community to help me troubleshoot and resolve this problem. Any advice, suggestions, or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help.

2 Replies



Hi! Have you tried this?


az aks show -n {{yourClusterName}} -g {{yourResourceGroupName}} -o json --query id
az resource update --ids {{yourClusterId}}