News Hub Layout not displaying correctly in Firefox

Iron Contributor

This was brought to my attention by a user with Firefox.  Looks like a stylesheet issue with the flex box for nonfeatured hub news.  Other layout choices, "Top Story", "List", "Side-by-side" look fine.




9 Replies

Hi @John Warner I've installed FireFox this evening to see if I can recreate the issue. I've installed version 62.0 (64-bit) and it all renders as expected. Are you using the most up to date browser version?

Yes, I'm on the same version as you. It is happening on multiple machines here at the office, but only with Firefox. Also this is a Hub site, and the template is the Hub News layout for the web part. The other layouts look fine.

@Matt Westonwere you using the Hub News layout?  This issue is still occurring for my users of Firefox.

Hi @John Warner, yes, I'm using the hub site layout on a communications site using FireFox, although I have just had an update come down which has updated me to 60.0.2.


I'm assuming that cache's have been clear etc?


Yes, cache is cleared. I got the patch for Firefox, but no change to the news part. The only difference I know of is that I am not using a communications site, but a team site.

Hi John, I've created the same scenario in my tenancy now, where I have a team site as a Hub, and have got a number of news items rolling up. The news web part is set to use the hub news layout. When I accessed the site using FireFox, all still looks to be good (see Team-Hub-1.png).


I then tried to break it by using zoom in the browser. Once I get to 130% zoom, I start to see the overlap that you have described. (see Team-Hub-2.png)


Is your browser set to 100% zoom? I'm going to start playing with resolution as well now to see if I have similar issues starting to appear.



Yes, I am at 100%. However, you got me thinking. The news part is in a Section layout that is in "One-third right" mode. I have tested moving the news part to a section that is just one column and everything un-jumbles. So It looks like firefox doesn't like having to figure out the layout positioning of a section containing multiple columns.

You're right, I've switched to that layout and have the same issue. Looks like a limitation at the moment which only affects FireFox. Chrome is more than happy to roll with it no matter what I do with the zoom, layout etc. Not ideal, but for now your obvious workaround is to use the 100% width, however I would suggest raising a call with Microsoft Support to get this fixed.

I've submitted a ticket. Thanks for your help.