Binge watch all the new SharePoint deeper dive demos in our Microsoft Mechanics video playlist


If you want to binge watch all of what's new and coming to SharePoint, check out the Microsoft Mechanics SharePoint Virtual Summit 2017 demo playlist. We feature the engineers behind the technology updates across Communication Sites, OneDrive, mobile, Team Sites and more. 


First up: Communication Sites, but the rest will roll in automatically


17 Replies
There's some great info in those videos - any idea when the new SharePoint Admin Center will be rolling out? Being able to see site classifications and last accessed will be very helpful.
These are great! Is there a place to get roll out dates for the Communications Site templates/feature?
Just the usual places:
(1) Messages Center
(2) Tech Community
(3) Roadmap
(4) Office Blogs
Rather than pointing to the usual places, can you (or someone else) point to an actual URL that says when Community Sites are rolling out? I am looking for the same information.
Communication Sites are slated for "Summer 2017" per the announcement blog and video.
Thanks! I had seen that and was trying to ask if there was any more specifics, but probably not yet. I'll take that to mean August or September.
So much cool new features and interfaces to take in, just wish it was available now! :)

Great new videos and new features for SharePoint.....



I'd like to know more about PowerApps inside SPO: very very interesting




Once the communication site is created it is not available in SPO admin center ? 

how can a Admin keep a track of Communication sites created in his organization ?

Boa tarde! Preciso de uma ajuda, convidei uma pessoa para compartilhar minha area de trabalha, a determinada pessoa já aceitou o convite e eu não consigo enxergar o convite para autorizar o acesso. Pode me ajudar?

So confused.  Looks nice, but our users are still confused as to when to use Yammer, Groups, SharePoint, Teams, Outlook, and now SharePoint Communication sites...


I just created a SharePoint Communication site, but don't see how you are able to add a comment section.  There is a Yammer embed section, but no Yammer group.  So if you create a Yammer group to talk about your Communication site, it will create a new SharePoint site (non-Communication site).  


How do you link existing SharePoint sites (classic ones) as well as Communication sites to a Yammer news feed without creating a duplicate SharePoint site?