Support for AMP HTML preview in
Published Mar 26 2019 08:00 AM 28.7K Views

We are continually seeking new ways to provide outstanding customer experiences and drive advancements in email. As part of this pursuit, we are adding support for the AMPHTML email format as a preview in


This email format enables dynamic email experiences with interactive content. During the preview, users will be able to interact with content from select trusted senders without having to navigate to separate landing pages. The format also supports dynamic content to keep information contained in email messages up-to-date.


We expect the preview to be ready by summer of 2019. We will closely monitor feedback from both users and partners during this time.


Stay tuned for more information on the preview and how to participate. To learn more, visit the AMP website.

Copper Contributor

Really excited for AMP support!

Copper Contributor

Will the outlook desktop app be supported in the future?

Copper Contributor

Is there any update about the timing? Really looking forward!

Copper Contributor

@Aimee Sudeck Please provide updated information about AMP support in


We recently announced that we have entered the developer preview phase of AMP for email in To learn more visit our latest blog post

Copper Contributor

Great to hear about the beta release. Now someone needs to build the killer app.


As @JohnsonLin mentioned, support in Outlook desktop would be great – and would further incentivize developers. It is understandable MS is slow-rolling this. One idea for a stepping-stone: a side-bar AMP rendering Outlook plugin that users could optionally install. AMP emails could then at least be used in a side-bar context.

Copper Contributor

Have raised few issues on how outlook handles AMP email, have tried reaching out to the twice, but did not get any response. Would like to add the issues here, pls help out.

  1. Emails that are older than 30 days are still trying to be rendered as AMP Email
  2. On non-200 response, the AMP's error page (that we built) is not showing up, seems like the request is stuck in loading screen.

Thanks in advance


Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 26 2019 02:49 PM
Updated by: