Groups on smart phone browser doesn't work ...

Iron Contributor



testing out a responsive web application today with a link to a group calendar I see that MS hijacks my link and takes me to a page forcing me to download the Groups App!!!


I don't want to download the Groups App, I don't want my users forced to download an app, I want to see the browser version of the group calendar!!!!


Please explain this, why don't you do what most providers do and have a link where I can download the app if I wish to but allow me to view the calendar/group/conversation in the browser?


Groups App redirectGroups App redirect


3 Replies
Androdid App is working for me with no problems
I see why, the calendar in the browser isn't responsive, how sad ...
I've tried various Android, iOS and Windows apps all asking me to download the Groups App with no way to bypass, really, really poor. I'm now having to scrap using a Group and instead use a Calendar List in SharePoint, pretty angry about all of the wasted effort.