Forum Discussion
Oct 02, 2020Silver Contributor
Changes to meeting recordings - saved to OneDrive and SharePoint instead of Stream.
This is a rather big change and something I just want to send a heads up to all. Obviously it's posted in Message center (MC222640) and this is a copy/paste of the information for those who don't have access.
We’re changing the storage for new Teams meeting recordings to be stored on, and served from, OneDrive and SharePoint (ODSP) - instead of Microsoft Stream (Classic). Customers are able to opt in, opt out, or take no action with regard to these changes.
This change will apply to customers who either opt in or take no action following this announcement.
Key points:
- Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID: 67138
- Timing:
- Early October (October 5, 2020) – You can enable the Teams Meeting policy to have meeting recordings saved to OneDrive and SharePoint instead of Microsoft Stream (Classic)
- End of October (October 31, 2020) – Meeting recordings in OneDrive and SharePoint will have support for English captions via the Teams transcription feature.
- Early to mid-November (Rolling out between November 1 -15 , 2020) – All new Teams meeting recordings will be saved to OneDrive and SharePoint unless you delay this change by modifying your organization’s Teams Meeting policies and explicitly setting them to “Stream”
- Q1 2021 – No new meeting recordings can be saved to Microsoft Stream (Classic); all customers will automatically have meeting recordings saved to OneDrive and SharePoint even if they’ve changed their Teams meeting policies to Stream”
- Rollout: Tenant level
- Control: Admin via PowerShell
How this will affect your organization:
This change impacts your organization in several ways:
- New features
The move to ODSP immediately unlocks long-awaited features including external and guest sharing, retention policy application (, GoLocal support, and BYOK support for customers, with improved transcription quality, speaker attribution, transcript content search, and other features to follow in CY2021.
- Meeting storage
Non-Channel meetings will be stored in the OneDrive of the person who clicked the record button in a special folder labeled “Recordings” – that sits at the top of the recorder’s OneDrive. Channel meetings will be stored in a folderlabeled “Recordings” under a folder named after the channel under the Team’s document library.
- Permissions
All meeting invitees - except for external users – in non-channel meetings will automatically get a shared link to access the meeting recording. External users will need to be explicitly added to the shared list by the meeting organizer or the person that clicked the record button. For Channel meetings, permissions will be inherited from the owners and members list in the channel.
- Feature gaps
The following gaps exist today:
- Ability to block download of the video by meeting participants
- Ability to view and edit the transcript in the player, but closed captions will be present
- Non-English language transcripts/captions
- Variable playback speed in video player
Transcript timeframe search (e.g., to find a specific point in time when something was discussed)
What you need to do to prepare:
Customers are able to opt in, opt out, or take no action with regard to these changes. Changes in this communication will apply to customers who either opt in or take no action.
Tenant admins can opt in or opt out of OneDrive and SharePoint as the Teams meeting recording storage location via a Teams policy in PowerShell. Additionally, customers who wish to have captions for their meetings will need to enable transcript recording in Teams.
In Q1 CY2021, saving Teams meeting recordings to Microsoft Stream (Classic) will no longer be allowed. Precise dates will be communicated in a subsequent post.
Learn more: Use OneDrive for Business and SharePoint or Stream for meeting recordings
EmileRec Hello! I haven't had a chance to try this so I can't say anything about the inheritance and if they can actually delete the recording. But it's a good question and the official docs aren't clear about it.
In your scenario you're using a channel meeting and permissions are inherited from the owners and members list in the channel as per this description.
Who has the permissions to view the meeting recording?
- For non-Channel meetings, all meeting invitees, except for external users, will automatically get a personally shared link. External users will need to be explicitly added to the shared list by the meeting organizer or the person who started the meeting recording.
- For Channel meetings, permissions are inherited from the owners and members list in the channel.
Then you have a couple of disclaimers saying:
- "Only the organizer of the meeting (non-channel) and the person who started the recording will be able to edit the recording. But everyone invited to the meeting will be able to view the recording."
- "In Q1 of 2021, only the meeting recorder and organizer will be able to download the meeting recording. All other attendees will only be able to view it."
So I suppose you have to edit the permissions when recording a channel meeting (SharePoint) as the permissions are inherited. At least for now.
- jlevangerCopper Contributor
ChristianBergstrom I HATE this change. No matter how many times I change it to say everyone with the link it goes back. So 1/2 of my classes can't see it. It was so easy in stream. There is also no way to edit or cut out parts. I absolutely detest this change. It is one more thing that makes teams a complete time suck. This was not built for education, and 1/2 of the changes you make, make it harder and harder to use.
jlevanger Hey, it's a slow but ongoing transition process to the new Stream platform using OneDrive and SharePoint as storage location. You can read all about it in the links below and scroll around there too (and I don't work for Microsoft).
The new version of Microsoft Stream - Microsoft Stream | Microsoft Docs
What features are unavailable on Stream (on SharePoint) compared to Stream (Classic) today?
- XantariCopper Contributor
ChristianJBergstrom Any idea when you will be able to hit the "Share" or "Copy To" function in your personal OneDrive share if there is a recording you wish to send to a Stream Channel?
Really missing basic business functionality here... Even though a meeting occurs between just two people and gets stored in whomever's onedrive who clicked the record button in teams, doesn't mean it is only for those two people. It could be something that we want to promote to a project team channel, so that others can view the training video at any time... siloing it in one persons one drive is myopic.
- MahmoudShoaalaBrass ContributorWhat can Stream provide in this circumstance, or it will be phased out?
- jmeecakesCopper ContributorI typically link my Stream videos to my teams site for my project. How am I supposed to link the videos now? Move them to a folder no one will use? This wasn't communicated at all by my company and have been waiting for my videos to show up for days and finally discovered where they were. I personally think this is garbage and will be requesting a ticket to my It help desk.
- Hello, it's only the storage that has changed. You still have links to use, If you're using personal meetings the recording end up in our OneDrive and if you're using channel meeting recording they end up in the group (SharePoint library). They still end up as links in either the chat and channel conversations too.
- damo33Copper Contributor
Last few months I have been running a class and recordings from meetings in the channel saved to a 'Recordings' folders under files as described in your breakdown below. However, this semester, new group, same setup, but when I record, they are not being saved into a 'Recordings' folder. I can only find them on Stream under 'meetings'. Any thoughts as to why the difference?
- Meeting storage
Non-Channel meetings will be stored in the OneDrive of the person who clicked the record button in a special folder labeled “Recordings” – that sits at the top of the recorder’s OneDrive. Channel meetings will be stored in a folder labeled “Recordings” under a folder named after the channel under the Team’s document library.
- Meeting storage
- Joseph CollinsBrass ContributorI have user A with an E2 license and user B with an E5. User A invited B to a meeting and records the meeting. When it ends, they see a post in the chat that the recording is ready. Surprisingly, It plays in Stream. When user B records the meeting, it records to his OneDrive. Both users joined and recorded a meeting twice to ensure it just wasn't a fluke. Only thing I could find different about user A is that he only has an E2 license. Is it really the E2 license that is putting the recording in Stream or something else? Also, is there really no way to choose where to store the recordings? I prefer stream but sometimes onedrive makes sense (ie external sharing). Thanks!
- Andrew_WooIron ContributorIt was a shocking experience with a sudden change in the tenant.
All the while is using Stream and work well.
Suddenly it changed to OneDrive and entire meetings get problematic where
1. the recording was not posted in the meeting chat.
2. Now all attendees can delete the meeting recording
3. No transcript search anymore
- We recorded non-channel meetings. Record file had saved OneDrive of user who started recording as described in the document.
However, that file still private and other participates can't play the video from chat caused by access deny. Isn't this automatically share to all participates?- ChristianBergstromSilver ContributorHello, yes. Everyone invited to the meeting should be able to view the recording. If the role-based permissions as described in the article doesn't work as intended you best open up a support case.
- rotosenioCopper ContributorI have a concern about this and I wonder how could I possibly solve it.
Previously I had users of my organization (with very low PC skills) record meetings and wanting me (as an admin) to do various things with the files of those recordings. Like downloading them, host them on our own internal servers, share them etc.
I could easily do that with Microsoft Stream through the Admin interface.
Now that recordings from Teams won't automatically go there, how can I access files of recordings done by members of my organization?- ChristianBergstromSilver ContributorHi, sorry haven't got a notification that you replied. I'm afraid you have to educate your users of the new storage location and the new role-based permissions as described in the link. Technically you would have to add yourself as owner of the users OneDrive and that's really not an option. For channel recordings though the permissions are inherited from the SharePoint permissions you've chosen.
- rhyshicksCopper Contributor
Hello ChristianBergstrom,
Is there anything we can do so instead of having group meetings recordings being stored in the Personal OneDrive for Business (under "Recordings") to have them just stored in a folder in SharePoint?
At the moment its a manual job to move them I was hoping there is something a bit more automated to get them into SharePoint. I have setup a recurring PowerAutomate Flow ( to do it, but this ONLY works for me.
To provide some context we have weekly meetings in a chat call where one person records. Most of the time this is the same person but holidays and other leave would mean someone else would record. I'd like someway to send these recorded videos to one main storage so everyone can view them.
Any ideas or insight will be appreciated.
- ChristianBergstromSilver ContributorHello, all channel meeting recordings end up in SharePoint so use that instead of the non-channel meeting recordings?
- DominikPLCopper Contributor
rhyshicks I'm not aware of a fully-automated organization-wide solution, but you can try this semi-automated workaround: use MS Power Automate to move all files from personal OneDrive to proper SharePoint localisation. Such flow would be free of charge for you (this part of PowerAutomate is available as part of O365 license).
- rhyshicksCopper Contributor
Thank you DominikPL for you suggestion. The flow that I have does soemthing similar however it is only running for one user. I would need to potentially run for all users.
ChristianBergstrom we have considered that however having a channel dedicated for one meeting doesn't really make a whole lot of sense for us.
- DominikPLCopper Contributor
Our organization still wants to use MS Steam (Classic) instead of OneDrive/SharePoint.
After reading the article, I still don't know how we can opt out from the change: Use OneDrive for Business and SharePoint for meeting recordings - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs
Is there a way to opt out without using PowerShell script? Maybe I could switch something in administration panel? To be honest - we are not a large organization and as interim O365 admin I have no clue how to run this power shell scripts... 😕
- ChristianBergstromSilver ContributorHello, well you can opt out until this summer. Then it's going to switch over automatically. I'm afraid you have to do it with PowerShell. Try following this guide for installation
When it's installed you only need to run this (assuming you are only using the global policy).
Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global -RecordingStorageMode "Stream"- DominikPLCopper ContributorThanks, it worked. This was my first time with PowerShell and I managed it. (woohooo, feel like a hacker... ;)).
- G_B-1Copper Contributor
ChristianBergstromDoes this mean that the recordings now get saved indefinitely?
- ChristianBergstromSilver ContributorHello, no. You can read this for more info
- giannibCopper Contributor
Can anyone on this forum tell me if:
• Captions & transcript appear on the recordings.
• External people can request access to recording.
From what I can see, captions and transcript do not appear on the recordings and external people cannot request access to a meeting recording. On top of this, external people are prompted for an organisational sign-in when clicking on a meeting recording.