Advanced VNet concepts
Published Sep 21 2020 10:35 AM 3,328 Views
Subject Matter Experts:

This session will provide a brief overview of the Azure Virtual Network capabilities, covering the expansion from single region VNets to a multi-region globally connected VNet architture. We will showcase different patterns such as Transit VNets and Hub-and-spoke architectures. We will also cover the new concepts around securing outbound traffic and extending VNet to PaaS services through Azure Private Link.


Great presentation with concepts. I would like to reuse these slides and don't see option to download.  How can I have access the slides used?

Brass Contributor

@Narayan Annamalai There is an option to download the slide deck. However, it does not seem to work.

Brass Contributor

@Narayan Annamalai The PowerPoint can be downloaded correctly now. However, it seems the deck differs with the one we see in the video. Some slides are missing information/parts etc.