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STARFACE Telefonbuch (globales Adressbuch) mit Microsoft 365 / Office 365 / Teams synchronisieren
Mithttps://www.sync.bluelassen sich bequem die vorhandenen Kontakte aus: Microsoft 365 Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft Teams nun auch mit STARFACE synchronisieren: STARFACE Cloud STARFACE Appliance (jede) STARFACE VM (Virtual Machine) So kann man den Anrufernamen im Telefondisplay, dem STARFACE UC Client und STARFACE App erkennen und spart sich die manuelle Pflege eines weiteres Adressbuchs. ist 14 Tage kostenlos testbar: weclapp contacts with Microsoft Office 365 contacts
We know you waited for it a long time: you can now sync contacts (leads,...) between weclapp (CRM, ERP) and Microsoft 365/Office 365/Outlook. It's a true two-way and fully automated regular sync. You may test it 14 days for free at more about it also at Outlook (MacBook) not syncing Google Directory contacts
Finally there is a solution for that! You can sync your Google Directory users (also known as Google Workspace Directory) with your Microsoft 365 (and thus Outlook) contacts with the cloud service Just have a look at or try 14 days for free: Best regards! Oliver2.2KViews0likes0Comments
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