Unable to remove name of deleted Notebook

Copper Contributor



Running Win10 Pro 64-bit , Offcie 365, latest OneNote desktop app plus all the Office apps.


I am able to delete a OneNote notebook that is held on my OneDrive "online" account by just deleting the file in OneDrive.


However, the "link" to the Notebook still remains in the OneNote "Open notebook" list - see the attached screen shots.


I can close the Note book in OneNote desktop so it is not immediately visible but I want to completely remove the link to the now deleted Notebook so it isnt even "offered" to open - I have quite a few deleted OneNote notebooks that are just cluttering up my selection list .


In OneNote desktop there is an option to create or Open a Notebook but not to delete (see attached images)


I want to remove all deleted Notebooks form the OneNote selection list. There must be a link that OneNote desktop is opening that "points" to the actual notebook held on OneDrive/Sharepoint. Anyone know where that is an how to hack it even if there isn't an option in OneNote to delete a Notebook.



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