Teams site showing up in public Bing results

Copper Contributor

Today a team member did a random public search on Bing using some keywords from an ongoing project. The first result was a link to a file on our internal MS Teams site. Is this supposed to happen? How can we prevent this?

25 Replies
@Adam Harmetz,
This afternoon when I search for random urls of our client sites they appeared in the search results. Also sites used by teams would appear with their url. I don't think that this was down to sharing sites. Or are you saying if any anonymous link was ever shared then the whole tenant would have been crawled by bing?

I think this is good feedback and I will share it with the team responsible for this work.  I think there should have been a post.

Thanks.  There could be more ways in which a internet search crawler might have picked up sites in the past that I do not know about.  I will ask around and see. 

We do believe that with the work to update robots.txt, upon next crawl/over time these will age out.


What would be helpful to use to ensure we have a good understanding of the issue is if you have any sites created in the past day or two that appear in a search results.  We would be looking for a site that still appears there even after the robots.txt change.

Just want to say thanks to everyone who responded on the thread. Must say this shook us a bit. Will monitor the results over time based on the robots.txt file.
Just confirming. I was able to recreate the same for my team's site by searching it on Bing. However, Google didnt throw it up for same keyword search. This is alarming. I am glad Microsoft is already working on fixing this but it worries me that such an issue existed in the first place and that a user had to chance bump into it, for us to find out. Hope to see this fixed soon. Thanks!

That doesn't make sense, as the robots.txt file will not be accessible as the site is locked down.