Not able create sharepoint site using sharepoint api

Not able create sharepoint site using sharepoint api



 Nov 09 2023
2 Comments (2 New)

endpoint = _api/SPSiteManager/create

payload = {
"request": {
"Title": "Rushi",
"Lcid": 1033,
"Classification":"Low Business Impact",



Response = {
"odata.metadata": "$metadata#Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.SPSiteCreationResponse",
"SiteId": "",
"SiteStatus": 3,
"SiteUrl": ""


header = Authorization and X-RequestDigest that is genrated dynamically.


Please help me to understand what is wrong with the API.


Copper Contributor

If your using a app to create the SharePoint site you might need to have 
"Owner":"email address removed for privacy reasons",
in your payload/body

Create Modern SharePoint Sites using REST | Microsoft Learn

Copper Contributor

@sajtanThank you for your help its really appriciated.I was missing owner i put the owner and its working now Thank you