Make it possible to register and listen to shortcuts using office-js in Word.

Make it possible to register and listen to shortcuts using office-js in Word.



 Nov 14 2023

As a developer I want to improve the experience of my Add-in users like Visual Studio Code does for us developers. But for that I have to be able to register shortcuts. This is currently only possible in excel: . This is a horrible experience as a developer but also as an user. For example in Visual Studio code we can use "Ctrl+Spacebar" to trigger IntelliSense, "Alt+Enter" to get refactoring suggestions and so on. But there is no way to provide the same experience to everyday word users. Currently users have to switch between taskpane and word and do multiple clicks which is counter intuitive and not efficient.


Hence this feature request:

  • As a developer I should be able to use shortcuts.json to register custom functions.
  • As a developer I should be able to use Office.actions.associate to listen to a action request on a previous defined Action in shortcuts.json.
  • As a user I should be able to override or deactivate shortcuts specified in an Add-in.
  • As a user I should be able to deactivate or to reassign the accessibility shortcut "Ctrl+Spacebar" inside the add-in UI, so that it does not conflict with possible Add-in shortcuts.

I think these changes would massively improve the value of add-ins and would be a huge benefit to the ecosystem.