Add support for 'Notes' to Office JS API for Excel

Add support for 'Notes' to Office JS API for Excel



 Dec 28 2023
2 Comments (2 New)

I'm migrating a VSTO Excel add-in to JS and noticed a features that's not available yet.

In the VSTO model, we can create cell comments/notes that are intended as documentation, showing the user the purpose of a column within a spreadsheet. This differs from the philosophy of comments with Office JS - as a dialog between users.
The following comment from a sheet created by the VSTO add-in shows what I mean:






the comment 1) includes the user's name which is not relevant here
2) invites replies, which we don't want here.
(I've figured out how to mark a comment as resolved but it still does not look as nice.)


Also, in VSTO, we can add images to comments. This is very useful when communicating chemistry within an Excel sheet -- the chemical structure conveys lots information but can be obtrusive. In a comment, the structure appears when the user hovers over the cell.


This is a request to add these capabilities to Office JS.

Copper Contributor

I would also like the ability to add a note to a cell. I want to provide more context to the user about the value returned by a custom function. For example they used a custom function to request the Market Cap of MSFT on 12/31/23, but 12/31/23 was not a trading day, so the function has returned the Market Cap of MSFT on 12/29/23, the last trading day before 12/31/23.


It would be great to be able to use something like the FormattedNumberCellValue, CellValueAttributionAttributes, or CellValueProviderAttributes interfaces. For example a `note` property to attach a note to the cell when the function returns a value to the cell.

Copper Contributor

We too would like the ability to create Notes for cells and columns for the JavaScript Excel Add-in we provide our customers which creates tables for them to reference.  Providing Notes for the column heading cells allows us to add descriptions for each of the columns, rather than forcing our customers to access our help pages.

We are currently using Comments, which suffers from the drawbacks @ChemMitch mentioned above.