Teams Posts & Files Tabs - making Files Tab as the default AND Renaming the General channel

Brass Contributor

Hi there


Two queries.


Is there a way we can make the Files the default tab when opening Teams, currently this is Posts and most people are looking for a file, so it becomes an extra click. Alternatively can we change the order of the Post and Files tabs, so Files comes first.


Re the General folder - is there a way to rename this


Many thanks


32 Replies

@Rana_Senojakthanks for (re)starting Files tab discussion!

Please oh please let people reorder the Files tab in Teams so it can be presented without an additional click.  If we look at the aggregate lost productivity, calculating 2 seconds x 50M users doing this 5x per day is 500M seconds/day or one human life wasted every three days.

Great analogy.
I do not understand why such a simple request by many is totally ignored by the developers.

@_TechWriter_ Yes i don't understand why this is unable to be done. These systems are supposed to make our life easier not more irritating, that extra click gets annoying after a while. If you are going to design a system at least make it functional so that users can configure it so that they can use it how they want.

Absolutely on point. It is a necessary feature. Users already work in Teams all day, it makes sense to use a channel as a document library. Renaming the "General" channel useful too. The option to hide it also useful.
I can't believe this feature is being ignored for YEARS. It's so simple. Just let the channel owner choose a default tab, what's the problem?
I have created a neat sharepoint landing page with useful links, the latest infos etc... But nobody sees it, because it's a tab you have to click on first. Nobody does that, and new team members don't even know this useful page exists.

The best part is: I can't even use a post in the (default) chat section for my landing page, because pinned posts go to the top, but the chat tab stacks all posts "newes on the bottom" and opens there. I'm really annoyed by now.

@Maurits_Mes You have exposed yourself as coming up a little short. People have different requirements and use these services for different purposes. Someone with a lot more experience than you can say that making the Files tab appear as the default will make working with this product that little bit better.

That the last few links I've found scattered around while searching for this are all 404 errors does tend to add weight to your suspicion. Doing a search on the support portal did reveal some active requests about it, but with less than 60 votes I feel it's yet another pop-up in the ongoing struggle.

As you say, it's almost like Micro$oft's "support" behemoth play whack-a-mole with requests for basic functionality that they're not going to implement to stop the vote numbers getting too high. Gives you some idea of what it's like being an opposition politician in Russia. >;-)



Sorry can't agree with your comments wanting to have files as the default doesn't go against the core value of teams

@_TechWriter_ interesting question. Personally, I think one of Teams' core values is to enable efficient and easy collaboration across all types of businesses. Wether you are a law firm, a tech giant or a plumber's accounting office.
That being said, it's not understandable at all that Microsoft seems to "force" one particular way of collaboration onto people (by constantly shoving the channel chat into their faces) - thus possibly reducing efficiency. Deliberately, as it seems.

Ridiculous and annoying. I'm not a professional programmer, but how hard can that be to update.

How about if you are in Posts you stay in Posts when you click to the next team; if you are in Files, you stay in Files when you click to the next team

Ok, but if Microsoft can't (won't) fix the basic request, how could they be expected to do something a little more complex :)