signing in to GUI

signing in to GUI



 Jul 20 2023
1 Comments (1 New)

Each morning I have to enter my entire ID and PW to log into Mark Trece Georgia.

That is understandable. If I don't go into GUI regularly, it will log me out. I end up having to re-type all of that information many times each day. Is there a way to prevent it from "timing out" so regularly? It is annoying and time consuming when I am in a hurry.

Could you add something in preferences that would allow you to enter a timeout value (i.e. 15like you can with a screen saver, sleep mode, power save mode to keep from having to Thank you for any help you can provide.


Wholeheartedly agree. Can we get settings to configure the timeout?


In my case, the most annoying part is how I set up all my window sizes, then when the devbox disconnects/reconnects, it comes up full screen and my windows inside the devbox are all rearranged and different sizes.


Additionally, I need information in the devbox to be readily available. Not behind a login screen while I am actively working and need to use it as a reference.