Azure portal June 2019 update
Published Jun 17 2019 09:11 AM 8,745 Views

We’ve moved! Starting this month, the monthly blog about Azure portal updates will hosted at the Tech Community instead of the Azure blogs. We’re excited to be here and we hope this starts a new channel of collaboration between you, the Azure portal users, and the large team building the Azure portal.


This month, Azure portal updates include a redesign of the Azure marketplace experience, resources to help you migrate services to Azure and updates to Azure Data Explorer.


Sign in to the Azure portal now and see for yourself everything that’s new. Download the Azure mobile app to stay connected to your Azure resources anytime, anywhere.


Here’s the list of June updates to the Azure portal:


User experience



Let’s look at each of these updates in detail.


User experience


Azure Marketplace user experience redesign

We are excited to share the new Azure Marketplace Gallery experience in the Azure portal, now live in all regions. Combined with the recently updated product details page, you will now see a new and improved experience in Marketplace. You will notice the following changes:


  • Intuitive navigation: horizontal scrolling blades have long been a point of confusion and negative feedback for the Azure portal. The move to a full screen experience drives further consistency towards common web navigation principles you are accustomed to use across the web. The additional space also allows for greater use of the entire screen
  • Better informed browsing and discovery: updated tiles give more information as you discover and browse through products in the gallery. You can now see a short description about the product and add that item to your saved list directly from the tile. Badges for Microsoft Preferred Solutions and Private Offers are also featured on the tile, with free trial badging and product ratings coming soon
  • Consistent design patterns: Controls like filters and the left navigation have been updated to reflect the modern Azure portal design language, allowing you to navigate the marketplace with familiar controls and to focus on learning about the products rather than spending time understanding the navigation patterns

Gallery_New.PNGThe new Azure Marketplace experience


To try out the new Marketplace experience:

  1. Click “+ Create a Resource” in the upper-left corner of the portal
  2. Next to “Azure Marketplace”, click “See all”
  3. Browse the new Marketplace


Azure Migration Guide now available on Quickstart Center

Azure Quickstart Center became generally available at Microsoft Build. We’ve now added the Azure Migration Guide, which gives you a detailed view of how to migrate applications and resources from your on-premises environment to Azure.


02 - AQC.png

Azure Migration Guide now available


To try out the Azure Migration Guide on Quickstart Center:

  1. Click “All Services” on the left navigation menu
  2. Select “Quickstart Center”, under the “General” category
  3. Click “Azure Migration Guide”

Alternatively, you can search for “Quickstart Center” on the global search box.




Azure Data Explorer is now localized

The Azure portal is localized to 18 languages. If you prefer to use the Azure portal on a language different than English, you’ll now enjoy Azure Data Explorer localized to your language of choice. Data Explorer is now localized to 18 languages. 


03-Data Explorer.png

A localized version of the Azure Data Explorer


To change your default language:

  1. Click the “Portal settings” button on the top of the page
  2. On “Language (requires refresh)”, pick your preferred language
  3. Click “Apply” to refresh the page
  4. Click “All Services” in the left navigation menu, select “Analytics” and click “Azure Data Explorer Clusters” to launch Azure Data Explorer localized to your language of choice


New development & test SKU for Azure Data Explorer

You can now create an Azure Data Explorer cluster using a cheaper SKU for test and development purposes. This SKU allows you to create a single instance of Standard_D11_v2 virtual machine with a discount applied to the Azure Data Explorer markup price. Note that there’s no SLA guaranteed with this option.

04 - Data Explorer.png

New dev & test SKU


To create a new Azure Data Explorer cluster using this SKU:

  1. Click the “+ Create a resource” in the upper-left corner of the portal
  2. Search for Azure Data Explorer
  3. Under Azure Data Explorer, select Create
  4. Fill out the basic cluster details with your subscription, desired resource group, cluster name and region
  5. On “Compute specifications”, select “Dev(No SLA)_Standard_D11_v2 (2 vCPUs, 75 GB Cache, 14 GB RAM, 1 instance)
  6. Select “Review + create” to review your cluster details, then “Create” to provision the cluster. Provisioning typically takes about 10 minutes
  7. When the deployment is complete, select “Go to resource”

For pricing details on Azure Data Explorer, visit the pricing page.




Updates to Microsoft Intune

The Microsoft Intune team has been hard at work on updates as well. You can find the full list of updates to Intune on the What's new in Microsoft Intune page, including changes that affect your experience using Intune.


Azure portal “how to” video series

Have you checked out our Azure portal “how to” video series yet? The videos highlight specific aspects of the portal so you can be more efficient and productive while deploying your cloud workloads from the portal. Recent videos include a demonstration of how to enable soft delete in a storage account, and how bulk edit app settings in App Services. Keep checking our playlist on YouTube for a new video each week.


Next steps

The Azure portal’s large team of engineers always wants to hear from you, so please keep providing us with your feedback in the comments section below or on Twitter @AzurePortal.

Don’t forget to sign in the Azure portal and download the Azure mobile app today to see everything that’s new. See you next month!

Version history
Last update:
‎Jun 17 2019 09:11 AM
Updated by: