SIEM integration

Copper Contributor

Hi Folks,


Just wondering if anybody can help me here, when running this command in here java -jar mcas-siemagent-0.87.20-signed.jar [--logsDirectory DIRNAME] [--proxy ADDRESS[:PORT]] --token TOKEN


What kind of debug log file do we get from this [--logsDirectory DIRNAME]? How can we trigger it? We where able to get the integration working but are unable to create the local debug file by using this attribute when running the jar file.


Thanks for the help,

3 Replies
Hi Khaldoun,
When running the command the debug file should be automatically created once the agent is running.
You just need to make sure the directory you're providing as a parameter already exists.


Hi Dima,


Thanks for the reply, we did that, we made sure the directory is created but no luck


Any ideas?



@Khaldoun Almarzouk 


I have same problem as you had.

can you please share with what did you do to solve it?

